Honley CE (VC) Junior, Infant and Nursery School

How your child learns


Honley School Daycare: Curriculum Statement



At Honley School Daycare we offer a curriculum that supports the seven areas of learning and development defined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS):

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design


Our Daycare is based on the principle that young children learn best through play, with carefully planned learning and teaching opportunities which are stimulating and challenging.

Your child will have the opportunity to:-

  • Explore learning experiences that help them to make sense of their world
  • Develop ideas, concepts and skills
  • Learn self-control and understand the need for rules
  • Play alone or cooperatively, talking about their ideas
  • Solve problems and learn from mistakes
  • Think creatively and imaginatively
  • Explore fears and other feelings in a controlled, safe place
  • Access a language rich environment

Intent (What we want children to learn)

To unlock a child’s full potential, to give them the key knowledge and skills needed to open up opportunities for them throughout life. Our intent is to support a child’s cultural capital.  We ensure that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skill set of every child from their starting point as they progress towards the early learning goals. We make sure that every planned and adult-led activity has a clear intent based on the area or areas of learning and development identified by the practitioner.


Implementation (How we teach & support learning)

By having high standards for learning and having practitioners that truly believe in each child and what they can achieve we respond to children’s interests and create learning opportunities and experiences that are relevant and engaging. We provide a balance between child-led and adult-led activities including enhancements of the areas of continuous provision focussed on developing skill set and knowledge through core text. Key persons consider the needs, interests and stage of development of each child through regular observation and partnership with parents. If a child’s progress in any area gives cause for concern, we discuss this with their parents. We use a range of teaching skills to scaffold children’s learning and look for teachable moments. The indoor and outdoor learning environments are given equal priority. Our Curriculum Programme is ambitious, adaptable and flexible to be able to meet the individual needs and development of each child.


Impact (the difference our teaching and support makes/the outcome)


We evidence progress through knowing each child, communicating with parents and recording observations on Tapestry. Children’s progress can be seen through their play. Each keyperson spends time getting to know each child and through supporting their learning and development knows a child’s journey from where they started to where they are now and what they have achieved. We make termly summative assessments through individual curriculum programmes that give a summary of intended areas for support, our implementation in setting and support parents can give at home. Our summative assessments are informed by ongoing observation and our knowledge of the unique child. Using the information that we have gathered over a period of time (not always written down), we are able to identify the difference that we have made – the impact.


Curriculum Programme (Planning) & Observation/Tapestry

Throughout your child's session their key person will complete a number of observations and moments whilst your child plays and engages in a range of stimulating and engaging activities. These observations support planning of the next steps of learning in development to prepare your child for the next stage of education. 


We use Tapestry as a form of collecting observations of your child. Please note observations and Moments will only be placed on Tapestry every now and again, we believe it is more important for the staff to interact and engage with your child to support their learning rather than be behind an ipad. We actively encourage parents to upload photos of your child's learning at home and all the lovely experiences they encounter. All reports, observations and memos will be published on tapestry for parents to see. 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The curriculum for 0 to 5 year olds aims to give children lots of first-hand opportunities to learn about themselves, each other and the world around them. The emphasis is on the process of learning rather than the ‘product’ – how individual children learn is very important.

There are 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas of learning and development:

Prime Areas:

  1. communication & Language (CL) 
  2. Personal, Social & Emotional Development (PSED)
  3. Physical Development (PD) 

Specific Areas:

  1. Mathematics (M)
  2. Literacy (L)
  3. Understanding the world (UW)
  4. Expressive Arts & Design (EAD)


Please find a range of links below to support you as parents understand the stages in which your child learns. All children develop in an individual and unique manner, however, if you have any concerns or queries about your child's development, then please do not hesitate to speak to your child's keyperson and they will discuss your child's individual learning and development with you in more detail. 


Development Matters 2021


Birth to 5 Matters 2021


Parent's guide to how your child learns. What to expect.