Honley CE (VC) Junior, Infant and Nursery School

Computing Curriculum Map



A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


Our intention is that when children leave Honley CE (VC) Junior, Infant and Nursery School, they will do so with:


• Competence in coding for a variety of practical and inventive purposes, including the application of ideas within other subjects.

• The ability to connect with others safely and respectfully, understanding the need to act within the law and with moral and ethical integrity.

• An understanding of the connected nature of devices.

• The ability to communicate ideas well by using applications and devices throughout the curriculum.

• The ability to collect, organise and manipulate data effectively.

Home Learning - Computing

We recognise that parents are, for the main part, keen to reduce screen time at home. Computing though is all around and many of the jobs of the future will require the use of computational thinking.

Here we share some useful websites that will help your children to become better in computing.


To learn how to touch type, BBC Dance Mat Typing is always a good website.


This website suggests some good educational games and activities to try: https://www.barefootcomputing.org/homelearning